Administrative and Constitutional Litigation

At GLZ Abogados, we understand that constitutional litigation advice requires a new approach in which lawyers understand not only the legal implications of the matter, but also public policies and the new legal model of the Constitutional State of Law, and how this affects daily legal practice. For this reason, we have advice in various areas of constitutional litigation, such as:

  • Constitutional Controversies: We help federal, state and municipal entities in drafting and processing lawsuits to face interference in their spheres of competence established in the Federal Constitution.
  • Actions of Unconstitutionality: We provide advice to legislative groups and other subjects legitimate by the Federal Constitution (such as political parties and human rights commissions) in the drafting and processing of unconstitutional actions to combat the defects of unconstitutionality of an international law or treaty, whether at the local or federal level.
  • Amparo Court: We support individuals and legal entities in the drafting and processing of amparo lawsuits against acts or omissions contrary to the Constitution or to international human rights treaties signed by Mexico, including obtaining suspensions during the process.
  • Local Constitutional Litigation: We advise individuals and entities in the preparation and processing of defenses against actions or omissions that contradict local constitutions in federal entities that have mechanisms of local constitutional control.

En GLZ Abogados, eficientamos la práctica legal:

Nuestra Firma, se encuentra integrada por abogados que cuentan con una sólida experiencia en sus áreas de especialización, lo que les permite, gracias a una actualización continua, prestar una asesoría legal apegada a la realidad de los negocios del cliente, considerando todos los aspectos que conllevan sus decisiones comerciales.

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awards and recognitions
Our firm is recognized among the most relevant directories worldwide
Somos la culminación de 14 años de dedicación, pasión y excelencia en el servicio jurídico.

Marco Antonio Zavaleta Guerra


Recognized for his leadership in the defense of class actions and “product liability”, Marco Antonio has an outstanding track record in the legal field, representing both national and transnational companies in high-profile litigation.

(55) 5545 1884

José Sagredo


Jose is an outstanding attorney with expertise in a wide range of legal areas. His experience in high-impact litigation and academic contributions consolidate him as an expert in rights protection and credit recovery.

(55) 5545 1884

David Asaf Perales Carrillo


David has extensive experience in tax litigation, administrative sanctioning, regulatory and real estate law. He has advised leading companies on urban development issues, accompanying his clients at all stages of their projects.

(55) 5545 1884

José Alberto López Torres


José Alberto is an expert in insolvency proceedings and bankruptcy litigation, with a great ability to address litigation in both state and federal courts. He is recognized by clients and colleagues as one of the most outstanding attorneys in his field.

(55) 5545 1884

Pedro Mauricio Morales Gómez


Pedro Mauricio is a distinguished environmental lawyer with more than two decades of experience. His knowledge in environmental law is reflected in his leadership in real estate and infrastructure projects, as well as in his expert advice on climate change.

(55) 5545 1884
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