July 22, 2024

October 1st out of every 6 years as a mandatory rest

On July 12, 2024, it was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the decree amending Article Two, establishing the Official Calendar, published on October 6, 1993, and its subsequent amendment; whose objective is to establish the historic dates of national commemoration in which, due to their importance and meaning, activities in the offices and entities of the Federal Public Administration are suspended.

On this occasion, December 1 of every six years was eliminated due to the transfer of the Federal Executive Power, as a mandatory day of rest, in order to ensure regulatory coherence and harmonization between the Constitution and the Official Calendar.


With the above, it was reformed to read as follows:


“SECOND ARTICLE. The persons who hold offices and entities of the Federal Public Administration, whose employment relationships are governed by paragraph B) of Article 123 of the Constitution, must observe that days of compulsory rest for federal public servants who work out the following:


· January 1st;

· The first Monday of February in commemoration of February 5;

· The third Monday in March in commemoration of March 21;

· May 1st;

· May 5;

· September 16;

· October 1st of every six years, on the occasion of the transfer of the Federal Executive Power;

· The third Monday in November in commemoration of November 20, and

· December 25th.”


As mentioned, this reform only applies to labor relations that are governed by paragraph B) of article 123 of the Political Constitution of our country, therefore, it is limited to labor relations between the Powers of the Union and their workers, that is, public servants of the federation, who carry out their services in a subordinate manner to the State.


Hoping that this information will be useful, we are at your disposal for any questions or clarifications in this regard.
