
At GLZ Abogados, we have professionals with extensive experience and recognition in advising on environmental and climate change issues. We have participated as advisors to both the public and private sectors in a wide range of projects, collaborating with governments and institutions at the national and international levels in the creation and implementation of laws, regulations, treaties and protocols related to carbon markets. In addition, we have provided legal advice in major mergers and acquisitions transactions, identifying and managing relevant environmental contingencies. Our experience covers various industrial sectors, including pharmaceutical, mining, textile, energy, transportation, food, agriculture, tourism and real estate development, among others. Among the environmental services we offer, there are the following:

  • Legal consulting and audits.
  • Legal advice on acquisitions of shares and assets, as well as on project financing, including the drafting and negotiation of environmental clauses.
  • Processing, negotiating and obtaining environmental permits, concessions, authorizations, registrations and licenses, both at the federal, state and municipal levels, including social impact and indigenous consultation.
  • Advice on sustainable financing.
  • Procedural attention to environmental authorities and advice on environmental litigation.
  • Advice on concessions, consumption and discharge of water, including assignment of rights and procedures for interrupting the expiration of volumes.
  • Advice on carbon markets and emission reduction projects, negotiation of contracts with communities for forestry projects and the purchase and sale of emission reduction rights.
  • Legal advice on environmental non-tariff barriers to trade.
  • Advice in cases of soil contamination and remediation.
  • Advice on ESG and waste management issues, ensuring compliance with the national legal framework and identifying possible risks.

En GLZ Abogados, eficientamos la práctica legal:

Nuestra Firma, se encuentra integrada por abogados que cuentan con una sólida experiencia en sus áreas de especialización, lo que les permite, gracias a una actualización continua, prestar una asesoría legal apegada a la realidad de los negocios del cliente, considerando todos los aspectos que conllevan sus decisiones comerciales.

conocer al equipo
awards and recognitions
Our firm is recognized among the most relevant directories worldwide
Somos la culminación de 14 años de dedicación, pasión y excelencia en el servicio jurídico.

Pedro Mauricio Morales Gómez


Pedro Mauricio is a distinguished environmental lawyer with more than two decades of experience. His knowledge in environmental law is reflected in his leadership in real estate and infrastructure projects, as well as in his expert advice on climate change.

(55) 5545 1884
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