June 10, 2024

Presidential Protest

The current presidential term will be different from the previous ones, since before, the presidents in Mexico took office every December 1st, governed for six years, and at the end of that term, the elected president took office, beginning his term also on December 1st.

However, this year will be the first time that an elected president has protested before the Congress of the Union on October 1, shortening the presidential term of the current Federal Executive by two months. This presidential protest is historic due to the reduction of the period in which the current Federal Executive will be in office, in addition to the change of date of the taking of the protest.

It is important to remember that the reason for the reduction of the presidential term is due to the fact that our Political Constitution of the United Mexican States was amended in political-electoral matters on February 10, 2014, that among the various reformed constitutional articles we can find that the most important of them was Article 83, which to the letter states the following: “The President will take office on October 1 and will last for six years. A citizen who has held the position of President of the Republic, elected popularly, or in the capacity of interim or substitute, or temporarily assumes the ownership of the Federal Executive, under no circumstances and for no reason may he return to that position.”

This was done with the objective of reducing the period of transition between the presidential elections and the taking of the elected president's protest, since this period was considered to be very long, thus leaving October 1 as the new date of presidential protest, coming into force for the first time this year.

It is important to note that there are currently bills that aim to reform the Federal Labor Law (LFT) in its article 75, section VII, to establish October 1 of every six years, a mandatory day of rest due to the transfer of the Federal Executive Power, to harmonize article 83 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States with the LFT.

These bills are currently in a positive first-reading opinion before the United Commissions on Labor and Social Security and Legislative Studies of the Senate, with their last update being on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. So we have to wait for this ruling to continue with its legislative process to know if it will eventually become law. What we hope will happen as soon as elected Senators and Deputies take up a protest on August 1 of this year and are able to resume pending issues.

Hoping that this information will be useful, we are at your disposal for any questions or clarifications in this regard.
