Foreign Investment and Business Development in the U.S.

Our extensive experience with foreign investors in Mexico allows us to offer our clients solutions that secure their transactions in the country, using various schemes such as:

  • Creation of companies under a limited liability scheme.
  • Opening of subsidiaries or branches of foreign entities.
  • Co-investment agreements (Joint Venture) or agreements between shareholders.
  • Obtaining government authorizations or permits.
  • Corporate restructurings, conversions, dissolutions or liquidations.

Simultaneously, through our strategically located offices in the United States, we offer advice to our clients to establish businesses in the country through the creation of companies, also providing them with tax advice to maximize their economic benefit.

En GLZ Abogados, eficientamos la práctica legal:

Nuestra Firma, se encuentra integrada por abogados que cuentan con una sólida experiencia en sus áreas de especialización, lo que les permite, gracias a una actualización continua, prestar una asesoría legal apegada a la realidad de los negocios del cliente, considerando todos los aspectos que conllevan sus decisiones comerciales.

conocer al equipo
awards and recognitions
Our firm is recognized among the most relevant directories worldwide
Somos la culminación de 14 años de dedicación, pasión y excelencia en el servicio jurídico.

Cecilia Rivera Fuentes

Corporate and Tax Consulting in the United States

Cecilia, with experience in the U.S. and Mexico, specializes in advising her clients on business formation and expansion in regulated environments, ranging from business creation to tax advice, facilitating success in both markets.

281 800 8896

Fernanda Mendoza Barrera


Fernanda specializes in corporate and business law, advising on mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, co-investment contracts and tax litigation, standing out as an expert in her field.

(55) 5545 1884
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