Aviso de Privacidad

In order to guarantee the privacy and the right to informative auto determination of persons, pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Data in Possession of Private Individuals (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares) (the “Law”), you are informed that GLZ ABOGADOS, with domicile in Monte Elbruz No. 37, 10th floor, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City, Zip Code 11000, is responsible of the legitimate, controlled and informed processing of your personal data. 

Under the terms of the Law, by providing your personal data to GLZ ABOGADOS, except otherwise stated, you tacitly consent to the processing thereof pursuant to the provisions set forth in this privacy notice. 

Your personal data can be treated without your consent in the following cases: (i) when provided by law; (ii)the data appears in public access sources; (iii) personal data is subject to a previous dissociation procedure; (iv)has the purpose of complying with the obligations arising from a legal relationship between the owner and the responsible party; (v) there is an emergency situation that could potentially damage an individual personally or in its property; (vi) are essential activities related to its corporate purpose, while the owner is not in conditions to grant the consent, under the terms set forth by the applicable laws and legal provisions, and that such data processing is carried out by a person subject to professional secrecy or similar obligation; or (vii) a decision of the competent authority is issued.

In compliance with the provisions of articles 15, 16 and others applicable from the Law, GLZ ABOGADOS provides you with this privacy notice, which will be available at all times on our website: https://www.tlegal.app/

Personal Data

GLZ ABOGADOS collects from its clients, the following personal data: identification data, contact data, labor data, complete name, sex, nationality, contact phone numbers, address, marital status, employment, e-mail, age, place and date of birth, Federal Taxpayers' Registry (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes), Sole Population Registration Code (Clave Única de Registro de Población), Advanced Electronic Signature (Firma Electrónica Avanzada), bank accounts and other necessary data for the appropriate performance of its activities and rendering of services.  

Such personal data can be obtained directly from you, whether personally or though any electronic means, software application, optic, sound, visual o through any other technology, as well as through third parties and other sources allowed by the applicable legal provisions, or else, generated by means of the services requested or contracted by you with GLZ ABOGADOS.

GLZ ABOGADOS has the security, administrative, technical, legal and physical measures necessary to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of your personal data, as well as to comply with the principles of protection of personal data provided by Law.

Purpose of the processing of Personal Data

The processing of personal data collected by GLZ ABOGADOS shall be the one that is necessary, appropriate, and relevant for the fulfillment of the following purposes: (i) the execution of each and every one of the activities and the rendering of the services that according to the applicable legal provisions GLZ ABOGADOS and its subsidiaries or affiliates can carry out, on the basis that they are contracted and requested by our clients;(ii)the compliance of the applicable legal provisions and of the obligations contracted with our clients; (iii) inform about new products or changes to them; (iv) the promotion of our products and services; (v) the evaluation of the quality of our services, including the carrying out of surveys, as well as the creation and implementation of analytical and statistical processes necessary or convenient for such purposes; (vi) attention to the requirements of any competent authority; (vii) the carrying out of consultations, investigations, and reviews regarding any complaint or claim; and (viii) the carrying out of any complementary activity, auxiliary, compatible, or analogous to the foregoing purposes, without it being necessary to obtain your consent again.

Transfer of Personal Data

With the purpose of being in the possibility of complying with the purposes provided in this privacy notice, when GLZ ABOGADOS deems it necessary, the transfer of certain personal data of our clients in favor of third parties can be carried out, undertaking GLZ ABOGADOS in any event to look after the compliance of the personal data protection principles set forth in the law and to take the necessary and sufficient measures to guarantee that both the Law and this privacy notice are respected at all times by it or by the third parties to which GLZ ABOGADOS transfers the personal data.

In this sense, GLZ ABOGADOS can carry out the transfer of your personal data, to its subsidiary and affiliate companies, authorities, and self-regulatory entities, and to third parties providers of the necessary services for its duly operation and for the fulfillment of the purposes set forth in this privacy notice. 

Unless you state your objection, it will be understood that you give your consent to GLZ ABOGADOS to transfer your personal data to third parties, provided that this is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes set forth in this privacy notice. The foregoing, on the understanding that the third party recipient shall assume the same responsibilities and/or obligations of GLZ ABOGADOS derived from this privacy notice, respecting it at all times.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, GLZ ABOGADOS can carry out the transfer of your personal data without your consent in the following events: (i) when the transfer is provided in a law or treaty to which Mexico is a part to; (ii) when the transfer is necessary for the fulfillment of its corporate purpose, which is: to buy, sell, import, alienate, acquire, distribute, market, import and export all kinds of goods, products and commerce articles, as well as the components, elements, spare parts, and accessories for all kinds of electrical devices and appliances, as well as to carry out any act of nature allowed by Law; (iii) when the transfer is made to holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of the responsible party, or to a parent company or to any company of the same group as the responsible party who operates under the same internal processes and policies; (iv) when the transfer is necessary by virtue of an agreement executed or to be executed in the interest of the owner, by the responsible party and a third party; (v) when the transfer is necessary or legally required for the safeguarding of a public interest, or for the procurement or administration of justice; (vi) when the transfer is necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process, and(vii) when the transfer is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between the responsible party and the owner.

Means to Exercise the Access, Ratification, Cancellation and Objection Rights 

Pursuant to the provisions of Law, as of January 6, 2012, you shall have the right, at all times, to access your personal data in control of GLZ ABOGADOS; ratify them in the event they are inaccurate or unnecessary for the purposes that justified their attainment or the contractual relationship with GLZ ABOGADOS has ended; as well as to object by reasonable cause to the processing of your personal data.

In order to exercise the aforementioned access, ratification, cancellation and objection rights (the “ARCO Rights”), the appropriate application must be sent to our Specialized Attention to Users Unit to the following email address: contacto@glzabogados.com For more information, please call number 55451884

The application shall contain and be accompanied of the following: (i) name and address or any other means to communicate our answer; (ii) the documents that certify your identity and/or of your legal representative; (iii) the clear and precise description of the personal data regarding the one seeking to exercise any of the aforementioned rights; (iv) any other document or element that facilitates the location of your personal data and; (v) in the case of applications for ratification, you must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation supporting your request, if appropriate.

Limitation on the Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

Additionally to the aforementioned rights, you shall have, at all times, the right to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data, as well as the right to stop receiving promotional or publicity messages. 

For purposes of exercising such right, the corresponding application shall be sent to our Specialized Attention to Users Unit to the email address and with the indicated requirements for the exercise of the ARCO Rights, when applicable.

Revoking of the Consent for the Processing of Personal Data

Likewise, you will have, at all times, the right to revoke the consent granted to GLZ ABOGADOS for the processing of their personal data in terms of what is set forth in this privacy notice, without retroactive effects being attributed to the revocation.

For purposes of exercising such right, the corresponding application shall be sent to our Specialized Attention to Users Unit to the email address and with the indicated requirements for the exercise of the ARCO Rights, when applicable.

Modifications to the Privacy Notice

GLZ ABOGADOS reserves the right to carry out, at any time, modifications or updates to this privacy notice, whether as a consequence of legislative reforms, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of our services and/or products, market practices or others. Such modifications shall be deemed accepted in the event that you do not express your disagreement with them within a period of 3 (three) days from the date they were made.

The modifications or updates shall be incorporated to this privacy notice and shall be available on our website, or, shall be sent to the last email you have provided us. 

Complaints and Accusations

In the event you consider that the right to the protection of your personal data has been violated by any conduct of our employees or by the performance of GLZ ABOGADOS, and therefore, presume that there is a violation of the provisions of the Law, you may file the corresponding complaint with the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales). For further information visit the website www.inai.org.mx

Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) (a) I acknowledge that I have read and understand the scope of the Privacy Notice of GLZ ABOGADOS and (b) expressly authorize GLZ ABOGADOS to collect, treat and transfer my personal data for the purposes established in and in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Notice, as amended from time to time.